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Now / Between

An Accessible Art Book by John O’Neill and Deanna Geneva Lorianni

“… art, if authentic, can reach across all gaps between people and create understanding.” – Judy Chicago

Art and accessibility should live within the same space. Yet, too often, people with differing abilities are unable to access the amazing art being created around them — and share in the world’s experiences and expression. So, they’re left within the gaps that society creates, excluding them from human’s mutual understanding.

We believe a better way is possible — and we’re here to help break down exclusivity barriers so that inclusivity and art unite.

Traditional artbook printing relies on societal standards of seeing in order to experience what’s inside — and of opening and holding a book in the same way. What this presumption does, however, is ignore the fact that not everyone uses sight to engage with the world similarly. Some people are blind. Others have low vision. Some people read in Braille while others use readers. Further, people have varying physical abilities and hold books differently.

All ways of experiencing the world are just as meaningful as what society defines as “normal.” In reality, normal is what’s normal for each individual. And how we use books to print and share artistic expression should also reflect this reality.

What Is Now / Between?

Now / Between is an accessible art book that combines photography with poetry through an experience of the senses.

Tactile Images   

Each photo is a moment in time. And we’ve printed each image as a tactile photo. Move your fingers over the pictures, and you can feel the landscape, the buildings, the cracks, and doorframes come to life. All photos include pull-out tabs that have descriptions in print and Braille to offer another way to experience the image.

Poems in Braille and Audio

Each poem was specifically crafted to reflect its paired image. Read the verse in print or Braille. Or listen to its audio reading. Immerse yourself in the poem as you feel the images’ dimensions.

Accessible Book Production

We’ve printed the book so that people with different physical capabilities are able to open and hold it. The boxed structure makes accessing and flipping the pages easier. The frame also protects the integrity of the printed Braille by relieving the pages’ pressure as it closes shut.

Low-Vision Font

We’ve used Atkinson Hyperlegible, which is a traditional grotesque sans serif font for low vision readers. Offered by the Braille Institute, the font has a distinct letterform to increase character distinction.

Ultimately, our goal is to make sure that anyone who wants to experience art has this opportunity. By making art accessible, we deepen the experience for everyone — and create bridges from the world’s gaps.